VERTEX Main Page | Challenges | Architecture | Open VERTEX 1.0 | VERTEX Services |
The VERTEX Architecture
VERTEX is a Hybrid HPC platform architecture where control nodes transparently connect light-weight, heterogeneous compute nodes to storage and services.
VERTEX addresses the challenges posed by today's Hybrid HPC systems by employing a set of unique features. (Click here to learn more):
Nodes running IO and control functions (VERTEX nodes) are separate from nodes running
the computational parts of an application (Compute nodes). Each node is good at
doing its own part, helping system performance and scalability.
One VERTEX node manages and controls execution of an array of compute nodes, forming
a super-node, and helping in system management, scalability, usability and system
Eliminates the need for services and parallel file system management on compute
nodes, thus reducing jitter (which typically gets worse in traditional kernels as
the system size grows); improves compute node performance, helping in application
performance scaling, and compute node reliability.
To the user it appears that all compute node binaries, which could be for different
processor architectures, run on the VERTEX node, helping in the usability of hybrid
Allows the VERTEX node to implicitly or explicitly allocate compute node resources
to the application, helping in dynamic and flexible construction of a super-node.
Compute nodes talk to each other using the communication fabric without going through
the VERTEX nodes. Having compute node memory dedicated to computing and communication
only (no IO, or system management) helps to improve communication performance and
network scaling.
One VERTEX node handles the IO of several compute nodes, reducing complexity in
IO subsystems, helping in IO system scalability, usability, and reliability.
Aggregating all system management, IO and control functions in the VERTEX nodes
removes the need for having traditional cluster management software and parallel
IO software in the compute node, helping manage software license cost as the system
VERTEX System Architecture |
For more information, a full white paper is available here (PDF, 358 KB). |
VERTEX Main Page | Challenges | Architecture | Open VERTEX 1.0 | VERTEX Services |